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  • Day Care Costs Las Vegas

    By Foundations Preschool

    Day care costs Las Vegas remains a hot button topic among parents of preschoolers all across the valley.

    Day care costs Las Vegas remains a hot button topic among parents of preschoolers all across the valley.

    Each election cycle child care costs and day care costs are major debate topics here in town, both on a state and local level.

    Local candidates have said, “Every working family in America knows how hard it is today to find affordable childcare or early childhood education.”

    And they are right. When we previously reported on day care costs Las Vegas, we explained how Nevada was among 31 states nationally where the costs of child care could exceed the cost of college tuition and fees.

    Several state campaigns have underlined that fact during the past two election cycles stating, “These high costs severely squeeze working families, prevent too many children from getting a healthy start, and act as a disincentive for parents to stay in the workforce.”

    On average, the cost of putting an infant in day care across Nevada accounts for about 13% of an average married couple’s median income. Nationally, Nevada ranks 11th in the country for day care costs with day care costs Las Vegas varying.

    This battle is not new. Back during the 2016 election, even Ivanka Trump got into the fray when she said during a speech that if her father were elected president, “He will make childcare affordable and accessible to all.”

    She recognized then as many do now that unless your employer provides childcare vouchers, day care has almost become unaffordable.

    Luckily for families in the Valley, we understand the challenges that come along with escalating day care costs Las Vegas, especially during the advent of Covid and as such have created programs to meet the budgetary needs of the families who place their children in our care.

    To learn more about our programs, or to get a price quote, schedule a tour with Foundations Preschool today!